Stress | Pain

Trusting  your gut instinct by taking a new road to better health - seeing more clearly will allow the fog to lift and welcome the sunshine in.
It is widely thought that Medical Science does not recognise Adrenal Fatigue.  
Millions of people today are burnt out, exhausted and emotionally suffering whether its to do with family, home or finances. They genuinely need help and real support in order to address their problems and get their ‘S.H.1.Tango' together. 

S. A. D.
Known as a 'Seasonal Affective Disorder', is predominantly managed by consuming prescribed anti-depressant pills – This so called 'mood disorder' is seen as ‘normal mental health’ and of course, for some it's an essential aid.  Personally though, I see it as Stress, Anxiety and Depression - Everyday, there is living proof of many people who are suffering with Adrenal Fatigue without even knowing it.  Spirits are broken, regrettable thoughts continue to plague the mind and a sense of despair can seriously take hold.  

A widespread sign that the adrenal glands are completely exhausted can appear through stress or shock, low blood sugar or hypoglycaemia, allergies, hypoadrenia, ME, post-viral fatigue syndrome, long term tiredness, and a tendency to be prone to infections can all stemfrom the adrenal glands being exhausted and tired all the time, alas in ‘over-drive’. 
Slab of Pastry
Coming to terms with any problem is far from a favourite theme.  However, finding the courage to face those fears enables us to stop manifesting and escalating the problem, this is just the beginning of how to truly listen to your gut instincts.  Feeling emotionally numb and lifeless, like a 'slab of pastry', from those prescribed pills certainly help us to hide or avoid a situation, let alone mention the thirty-plus side effects that contribute to a superficial 'happiness'.  Systematic Kinesiology will support anyone who is prepared to make lifestyle changes, step by step.

 The adrenal glands are vital
These tiny endocrine glands live on top of our kidneys and they react to stress, major illness, injury, fear and threat. The adrenals produce hormones to help the body control blood sugar, burn fat and protein,  as well as producing cortisol hormones, adrenalin and aldosterone which stimulate the brain and chemically stabilise our emotional control.  Our adrenalin is pumped into the blood stream, which regulates our temperament, hence the well known term "fight or flight" reaction. These glands respond to our blood pressure, sugar levels and natural balances, so when we feel stressed, weary, overly stimulated, wired and tearful, etc., this is caused by an imbalance within the body.  The nervous system becomes exhausted and with modern lifestyles, this can bring down the endocrine system.

The Nutrition 
In every treatment, your body will indicate and prioritise exactly what nutrition it needs and in turn this nutrition will strengthen and help support the bodies circuit.  With the nutritional content of our food declining and unwanted chemicals often added for fast growing and processing, it's no surprise that our bodies need an extra boost to perform and function well. Minerals, such as Magnesium play a vital role in calming and reenergising the nervous sytem.  Vitamin C supports our immune system and there are many glandular formulas that are essential in strengthening our adrenals glands.  It is important to understand that as individuals, our bodies respond differently to different nutrition, which is exactly why we need to be tested for supplements before purchasing. 

Emotional release
Emotional Freedom Techniques are used to help release any form of emotional blockages.  They can be past, present or future fears.  
Letting go of any resentment or continuing to allow others to influence your life is just an example of how changes can be made. Accepting oneself and others will help you happily move forward in your life.

In a nutshell
Recognising that those adrenal glands are sick is the first step, balancing them is imperative for health and happiness. Anti-depressants are a 'masked form' of a drug addiction.  Systematic Kinesiology merely helps to empower you to make the right choices for you.

Adrenal Fatigue is not a myth, it should be taken more seriously.


Lower back pain plagues around a third of the adult population.
The main culprit of lower back pain appears to be intestinal.  When the digestive tract is stressed things generally start to tense and tighten. This includes the ligaments and connective tissue which hold the bowel in place and are connected to other organs like the pelvic wall. Therefore, these particular ligaments and connective tissue have a significant effect on the stability of the pelvis and lower lumbar's. 

The Ileocecal Valve (ICV)
The Ileocecal Valve (ICV) is on the right side of the lower quadrant of the abdomen. The Houston valves, which are lesser known, are on the left lower quadrant of the abdomen. Both the ICV and Houston valve work together. Therefore, when one is out of balance the other usually follows. 

Rings of Houston
The Houston valves are not really valves. They are anatomically known as the ‘Rings of Houston.’ These protruding rings of smooth tissue (like a large vacuum cleaner hose) are located towards the lower part of the descending colon, leading into the rectum lower down.  Houston Valves support the weight of the faeces as it is directed into the rectum. This helps to form well turned out stools, as well as slowing down the exit.However, these valves (as with the ICV) are linked to the limbic system and are very emotionally/stress sensitive. 

Upset and trauma can affect the intestines
Both the ICV and Houston valves can become tighter during times of upset, distress, trauma and shock. This can lead to constipation or looser and unformed stools. Anyone suffering from an emotional shock or upset can experience their lower back going into spasm. As a consequence their back feels weak and vulnerable like it could ‘go’ at any time. While fixing the valves, pain usually refers right into the point of pain in the back, whether they currently have the pain or not. This is the body working to readjust all the ligaments, connective tissue and the valves themselves into balance. When the referred pain dies down, we can move around the abdominal area until all the pain has gone from both the valves and the lower back. 

Kinesiology helps release emotional stress
Kinesiology can help release emotional stress.  As a practitioner, I test to see if any nutrition is needed to support the bowel and connective tissue.  I can also test for food sensitivities that may be affecting the intestinal tract and ultimately contributing to the back pain.  So, if you are having endless massages and manipulations for tight back muscles and lower back pain that just keeps returning, you may in fact benefit more by having your intestinal valves tested and corrected at My Kinesiology. 

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